Personal Spiritual Growth

Revive us, Oh Lord!

Last year, 2019, was a life changing season for me. God spoke to me through His word, various platforms and people about serving Him. Like Moses, I got busy enlightening God as to why I was not the ideal candidate for the task. Just like the Samaritan woman, my encounter with Christ gave me the urge and passion to tell others about God’s love and saving grace for the world. I thank God for the leadership and staff that held nothing back but poured out their hearts during the internship with Life Ministry Kenya.

Our National Director, Mr Nzova and his family spent a weekend with us and took us through a Life Objective Seminar. His wife Rebekah shared about her encounter with God while in Mozambique. Through her, I could hear God speak to me, “Wandia, stop using children as the excuse for not serving Me!” That weekend, I heeded to God’s call and surrendered to His will.

Quick one, can you remember when God called you and the first heart-felt love and resolve of saying, “Yes Lord, here I am, I have come to do Your will!” Has the zeal and passion to serve the Lord slowly diminished? Sometimes we hesitate to take up an assignment, maybe we have felt weary and thoughts of jumping ministry ship have crossed our mind. At times we have failed to maintain a heavenly perspective and often do not see results of our efforts. Do you feel you need to press the ‘restore settings’ button in your life?

Paul urged the Galatians ‘and let us not to be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not’. Galatians 6:9. To the Corinthians he encouraged them “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.” (I Corinthians15:58). Christ won the ultimate victory and that is what should affect anything we seek to do today because it will have eternal results.

With my hands raised up to the heavens, allow me to pray. “Dear Lord, thank You for the opportunity to serve You. Forgive us our sins. Protect us from the evil one. Lord revive our spirit! I pray that we will continue to hope in you Lord. Renew our physical and emotional strength, may we soar like eagles that we will keep going and not faint. I pray against any discouragement, disappointment, any fear that can grip us and any doubt that can fill our minds.

“Encourage us and uplift our spirits as we seek to be the same to others. Let us not be shaken but keep our hearts firm to remain steadfast as we continue to trust in You Lord. Lord take our hearts back to when You called us, when we were filled with passion and dedication. That we will continue to truly believe that the joy of the Lord is our strength. That as we go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, we will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with us. Get us back to the place of experiencing joy in trials that no matter how dark things seem to be, Your Holy Spirit will minister to us and remind us of the hope we have in You.

“Provide for our ministry and family needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Protect us and guard us from sickness, watch over our coming and our going both now and forevermore.

“I pray that even as we go into the darkest of places, the light of God will shine through us. That we will believe and declare that the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us because the Lord has anointed us to proclaim good news to the poor, that You have sent us to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. Open doors for ministry that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ as clearly as we should. As we go out to fulfil the Great Commission, and as we anticipate for harvest, we will remember to be led by the Holy Spirit. Prepare hearts that the Gospel will fall in rich fertile soil that people will know God and return to Him. Lord, I pray that we will remember it is You Who works in us to will and to act in order to fulfil Your good purpose. In all things we will give all glory and honour to You, Lord. Revive us, Oh Lord. In Jesus’ Name we pray and believe. Amen.

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