

Jeremy Lukens

There are 5 billion people in the world who don’t know a true follower of Jesus. That somber fact is one of the things that keeps us up at night, one of the things that gets us out of bed in the morning. It’s why I have God Tools on my phone and look for opportunities to use it. It’s why we evangelize. It’s why Indigitous exists. There are a lot of people who don’t know Jesus, don’t know the love of God, and don’t have their salvation secured. As followers of Christ called to the Great Commission, that means we have a lot of work to do.

How to reach 5 billion lost

As the leadership of Cru thought about how to approach evangelizing to the 5 billion unreached people, they dared to dream of a world where everyone knows as least one follower of Jesus. From there, the growth of the Body of Christ would be exponential, with those followers of Jesus teaching those they know about God and as more come to Christ, they do the same.

To that end Cru leadership decided on a goal of trusting God to raise up 10 million multiplying disciples by the end of the year 2020. It is 10 million disciples centered on Christ that are needed to reach the 5 billion who don’t currently know God.

This isn’t just a Cru goal, though. It’s not something Cru can do on its own. It’s not something that the Indigitous tribe can accomplish, either. Something this big requires the entire Body of Christ to play a part. More importantly, however, it requires the hand of God.

We can’t do this without God

Only God can transform someone’s heart. Only God can save. Only God can achieve something this big. That’s why prayer is so important. The unknown author of The Kneeling Christian wrote, “Let us never forget that the greatest thing we can do for God or for man is to pray. For we can accomplish far more by our prayers than by our work. Prayer is omnipotent; it can do anything that God can do!”

Join the Body of Christ in prayer

To that end, we at Indigitous are taking part in a prayer campaign called Pray2020. Starting June 20, 2015, we are praying that God will lift up 10 million Christ-centered multiplying disciples by the end of the year 2020. We will be praying daily that God will:

  • Multiply our hearts to be one with His heart
  • Multiply our lives through others
  • Mobilize laborers through our prayers and ministry efforts.

We invite you to do the same. If you want more prayer prompts, guidance, and information on this prayer campaign, there are a lot of ways to stay in the loop:

  1. There is the website, which has information on how to pray for this campaign, resources that you can use as reminders or to encourage others to join in prayer, and more.
  2. You can follow the Twitter account @Pray_2020, which will tweet prayer requests, prompts, and updates.
  3. You can join the Pray2020 mailing list, which will send prayer prompts and updates to your inbox.
  4. You can share your own stories, either on the Pray2020 website, here on the Indigitous blog, or elsewhere, tagging the stories with the hashtag #Pray2020 on social media.

We hope you will join the Body of Christ in this Pray2020 prayer campaign. There is nothing more important we can do than pray together, so let’s get started.


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